Singing Guide: Benjamin Clementine

Singing Guide: Benjamin Clementine

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Benjamin Clementine is a unique singer with a soulful voice and a mix of contemporary and classic styles in his music. In this article, we will explore some of the ways to learn his singing techniques and incorporate his style into your own singing.

Voice Type

Benjamin Clementine has a unique baritone voice, with a wide vocal range and a distinct tone. To sing like him, you need to develop a balanced voice that can hit high and low notes with ease.

Breathing Technique

Mastering your breath support is critical to hitting notes with ease and developing stamina while singing. To acquire good breath support and control, practice breathing exercises, such as the Farinelli Breathing exercise, which you can do it at Singing Carrots's YouTube video.

Vocal Registers & Vocal Break

Benjamin Clementine's music typically features a lot of falsetto singing and vocal breaks that add emotion to his songs. To learn his unique singing style, you need to understand all the aspects of vocal registers and breaks, which is explained in this article. One helpful exercise you can do is the voice break exercise here.

Singing With Emotion

Benjamin Clementine's music is often emotive and soulful, and he is known for his ability to convey deep emotions through his voice. To learn how to master emotions while singing, see this article. To add emotions to your singing, practice "Beggars Bounce" and "Diaphragm Bounce" from this video.

Performance Techniques

Benjamin Clementine is an exceptional performer with fantastic stage presence and command over the audience. To perform like him, you need to master singing with confidence and how to vibe with the audience. To do that, you might want to experiment with some of the tips found in this article. Don't forget to relax with this relaxing breath exercise.

Songs to Practice


This song showcases Benjamin Clementine's wide vocal range and powerful voice. You'll get a chance to work on your high notes, as well as develop better breath control.


One of Clementine's most famous songs, it is an excellent way to work on your vocal dynamics and emotional expressiveness while singing.


"Adios" is a beautiful ballad that contains a lot of falsetto singing and emotion.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.